
Important Semifinal Details


Once a competitor has made it into the semifinals of the Stulberg International String Competition, they must be prepared to meet the guidelines of the next stage of competition. Read through the list of guidelines below to make sure that the student is fully-aware of what is asked of them at this stage.


  • Twelve semifinalists will be chosen. More information will be sent to those selected.
  • Semifinalists must be in Kalamazoo, Michigan on Friday, May 16 (Rehearsals) and Saturday, May 17 (Semifinals and Finals performances).
  • Semifinalists must perform the piece/movement(s) submitted in their application.  No substitutions allowed.
  • Semifinalists will prepare the first movement of the commissioned concerto to perform during the live semifinals round.
  • Total time for semifinals concerto performances must be no more than 20 minutes.
  • Performances must be from memory.
  • Collaborative pianists will contact you to arrange your rehearsal time after assignments have been made by the Stulberg Competition.
  • Six finalists will be chosen from the twelve semifinalists at the competition. They will perform additional repertoire at a Finals Concert to determine medalists.
  • Finals performances are limited to 15 minutes, and can consist of single or multiple movements of a single work. They may be different movements from the work performed for the semifinals, or from a separate work.